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Luana Sandoval – An Aspiring Actress and Singer Without The Talent

I met Luana Sandoval when she was a PA – Production Assistant – on one of my film projects (Transcendence). I had a conversation with her on set and decided to give her a speaking role so she’ll have credits because she wanted to be an actress. After that project wrapped we kept in touch and started speaking about numerous other projects. During one of our conversations she told me about this producer who she worked with on her first music EP who she paid and he not only took her money but also the publishing rights to the project. Again, she told me that which looking back on it could’ve been a major lie on her part. I wasn’t speaking negatively about her “working relationships” as she lied online. After a few more discussions she asked me to manage her (there were even photos of the signing on the set of the podcast I created for her – Music In Film). I obliged and now completely regretted that decision.

Luana posted the message below on her Instagram page:

…with ZERO context and a mini essay of lies so let me provide some facts:


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