Music Manager Note

An artist and his/her manager relationship in most cases is unlike that of the artist and his/her label. The artist and the label might release one album and then they part ways. The artist and the manager should think in terms of the next ten (10) to twenty (20) years in regards to their relationship. If the artist is thinking about a relationship that lasts a year or two then clearly the artist doesn't trust the manager and don't really want to work with that manager and they should part ways, immediately. It takes years to develop an artist so the ones who think short term tend to have short term jobs in the industry while the artists who tend to think long term end up with long term careers in the industry. If you're looking for a short term manager then I can absolutely guarantee you that that will never ever be me. I believe in dedication, loyalty and trust and if we don't have that then clearly I'm not supposed to be your manager.

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