This is the classic example of why (most) people don't respect or understand what the hell a producer is, and what he/she does. This not only hurts (maybe a bit strong) aspiring producers but it also hurts power players when they're outside their circle.

This guy, Jason Brubaker, claims to be a "Hollywood based Independent Motion Picture Producer and an expert in internet movie distribution."

Nevermind the term he used - expert. That's for a different discussion.

The Academy recognizes a maximum of three individuals as a "PRODUCER" on an individual picture. And let's be completely honest; only one or two of those individuals actually deserve the credit! Jason takes it to the extreme. The pictures/films he claims to have "produced" have a minimum of SIX producers. Yep! You heard that right! SIX!!!!! One even has SEVEN!

This is purely for context reasons;

"The individual(s) who shall be credited for Academy Award purposes must have screen credit of “producer” or “produced by.” Persons with screen credits of executive producer, co-producer, associate producer, line producer, produced in association with or any other credit shall not receive nominations or Academy statuettes. The nominees will be those three or fewer producers who have performed the major portion of the producing functions."

I was taken back by this so I decided to ask him a couple questions.

Have any of the films you "produced" ever gotten any theatrical release?

Also, RATTLE BASKET, SIX PRODUCERS!!!!! Huh? Special dEaD has SEVEN!!!!!

Have you ever actually produced a picture? I mean six and seven producers on one (not even a theatrical release) picture doesn't say much for the individual.

Jason couldn't even reply to the questions. BUSTED!!!!!

VERY IMPORTANT: A film needs a maximum of three actual producers; NEVER EVER six and/or seven!

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