Mr. Robb's Rules

(And these are non-negotiable)

1). Always be professional!

2). No damn excuses. If you're supposed to get something done then get it done!

3). Tardiness is NEVER EVER ok with me. I have zero tolerance for it.

4). Strong work ethic. There is no such thing as a day off for me! If you're not 110% committed to this then give up... yesterday. Don't EVER waste my time.

5). Be open to learning new things. I want to learn from you and I hope you want to learn from me. This has to be mutually beneficial for it to work. If you're stubborn and just want things your way then we should part ways right now.

If you know you're going to have trouble following those rules then we should immediately part ways. I absolutely hate when people intentionally waste my time. And you know for an absolute fact, in this moment, if you can follow the rules above or not so don't just say yes, you can follow them knowing you're full of it. Be completely honest with yourself and make a decision. Thank you!

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