In this futuristic scenario, we follow the drama of the young Antony Sims, a gifted and brilliant scientist, and the heir of Sims Corp, who completely disagrees with his family’s business and the existence of Cloud, created by his deceased grandfather, Allan Sims. However, he knows he’s the last hope to protect the world against this possible apocalypse. Along with his new friend Glenda an experienced robot pilot, Antony creates powerful giant robots capable of protecting Cloud Base — the huge building that houses all computers where everybody in the world lives after physically dying on Earth.
Throughout this adventure, Antony unravels secrets about terrible goals of a global government and his own family in a journey that culminates in an epic battle between an army of Angels and giant robots piloted by soldiers. Who will win this battle? The answer will certainly impress you.
“Against the World” is an incredible story that mixes sci-fi, conspiracies, and deep lessons about spirituality in perfect harmony, teasing many emotions in readers.