"As usual very professional.
I can see you'll go far. It was very funny to see all your new ventures since you last spammed me. Investment management, printing and beverages. Hilarious.
I look forward to your next ventures with bated breath.
rock on dude."
It's always funny to take a stroll down memory lane to look at all the fucking losers who doubted me. Keith Walsh is no exception. Investment Management, check! Managing a stock portfolio worth north of 250k. Ouch! Keith! Printing! check! Beverages! Baja Bob's mixers is doing pretty good in New York/New Jersey! And oh yeah, films! Go watch "DILATED." And look out for "CLOSURE." Use the website.
Of course I'll go far. I'm only just getting started. What are you doing, douchebag Keith? Don't worry, I'll wait! LOL
Fuck Wayyyyy Offff Keith!