Tyler is an aspiring Writer-Director-Actor from Texas. Apart from asking a few questions that I genuinely dislike and have stated so publicly, he seems ok...until this.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
TYLER WADE: I have some story ideas and some scripts that arent finished, but this is all i want to do and i will do whatever it takes. I love NY, have you guys made a lot of films mainstream. I can help you guys out with almost everything you'll need.
Me: Can we see something you've written?
ME: The great thing about writing is that you can do it anywhere. That's good for you. As the website states, we're NY based. But DILATED was shot in California. We have an in-house team of five. Email us to continue the conversation. Massify's mobile platform is a bit weak.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Me: Some quick advice for future reference: 1). Before you think about being in this industry, work on being a more prompt communicator. We expected you to email us YESTERDAY! This business respects people who are prompt communicators. "I'll get back to you later" doesn't work! 2). Create a website and market yourself. See you at the top. It was a pleasure meeting you.
Now you may be saying that taking a day to send the email isn't bad, but then again, you're the kind of person I wouldn't like doing business with!