Who knew Flexfit hired idiots.

Connie ( is a prime example.

I was trying to place an order with Flexfit and Connie, the fucking idiot!, can't even get a simple order right.


1501KC Heavyweight Cuffed Knit Cap. Mix colors. 12 pieces (6 white pieces and 6 black pieces.)


This is the email I received yesterday
What does it mean “we place them with you !!!!!!!!!!! what !!!!!

If you want to place an order let me know the style size and color… !!!!!!!!



Why the exclamation marks?.....And since you want to use exclamation marks, maybe you focus on sentence structure. No commas, periods, etc!!!!!!!!!!


Let get this straight , if you are going to speak to me that way then you can go to another company to do business
Stop correcting the way write … I did say please
Now if you want to start from the begging I will do so but I did READ your email and it plainly said style 1501
You already know you can place the order through me or any other customer service rep.

I will not response to your nonsense- 12 pieces of what colors you need this style comes in 18 colors
Please specify ……


YOU REALLY THINK I'M GOING TO LET YOU TALK TO ME THAT WAY????? Respect works both ways. You can't put up a bunch of exclamation marks and expect me not to respond to it. " I will not response to your nonsense." And you want me to treat you with respect? Do you listen to yourself? 12 pieces, mix colors. 6 white and 6 black.


Please stop with this back and forth writing its crazy !
Just tell me what you are in needed of
Style color qty……. that is all


Now you are done
Go find another company that will deal your bull shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My manger will contact you SHORTLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

English is not his/her strong suit!

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