It hit me like the mid December morning wind as I walked down the cold New York street and a homeless man politely asked me for some change for which I couldn't provide due to my cashless, 100% plastic ONLY wallet. What if he was accepting credit/debit card donations? Would that make his job a bit easier? Probably or probably not, but it got me thinking. Dunkin Donuts may think Americans run on dunkin, but it's getting clearer and clearer each day that the WORLD runs on plastic (V, MA, AXP, DFS). I thought to myself, as I often do. When was the last time I actually used good old cash for a purchase? After a couple minutes, Chinese food popped up, but the point was well taken. I swipe and go almost always. Now back to the point of this post. What if that gentleman had whipped out a handheld POS (Point of Sale) terminal or a phone with Jack Dorsey's SquareUp device? Would I really trust him with my credit/debit card info? Probably not! But I would definitely use a preloaded gift card ("The Homeless Card") just to make donations. So you see, there is hope for the homeless after all.

P.S - I don't encourage begging as an occupation but at the same time I'm not a heartless asshole who won't help out someone down on their luck.

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